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Professor Abdelhamid Zahid, PhD in Phonetics – France


PhD in Arabic Language and Literature – Morocco


M.A in Translation Studies – UK


Professor in Cadi Ayad University – Faculty of Letters, Marrakech


Professor of Translation Studies, Phonetics and Linguistics

A translator of literary texts

The director of Knowledge Integration and Translation Laboratory

Editor-in-chief  of  Bayt  Al-Hikma  Journal  for  Translation  Studies  (a  peer-reviewed journal)

Editor in chief of Arabic phonetics journal (a peer-reviewed journal)

Vice-coordinator of Master in “Translation Technology and Specialized Translation”.

Vice-coordinator of Master in “Linguistics and texts”.


Contact Professor Abdelhamid Zahid (


Research Groups


Knowledge Integration and Translation Laboratory


Research Interests


Translation studies


Phonetics and Linguistics


Specialized Translation


Translation of sacred texts


Translation of literary texts


Stylistics and Rhetoric


Development of dictionaries




Edited book




2018 Phonetics and Knowledge Integration: Phonetics and Recitation of the Holy Qur’an : coordinated by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al, Translation and Knowledge Series, N10, peer-viewed issue,  Modern Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)


2018 Jewish and Christian Frameworks in the Translations of the meaning of the Holy Qur’an: coordinated by Abdelhamid  Zahid et Al, Translation and  Knowledge Series,  N9,  peer-viewed  issue,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid,  Jordan.  (Publishing language: In English and Arabic)

2018   Phonetics   and   Knowledge   Integration:   Cognitive   Integration   between Phonetics  and  Rhetoric:  coordinated  by  Abdelhamid  Zahid  et  Al,  Translation  and Knowledge  Series,  N8,  peer-viewed  issue,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid,  Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2017   Phonetics   and   Knowledge   Integration:   Cognitive   Integration   between Phonetics and Musicology: coordinated by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al, Translation and Knowledge  Series,  N7,  peer-viewed  issue,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid,  Jordan.

(Publishing language: In Arabic)

2017  From  Limitied  Rhetoric  to  Broad  Rhetoric:  Readings  in  the  work  of  Dr.

Mohamed   Michebal:   coordinated   by  Abdelhamid   Zahid   et   Al,   Translation   and Knowledge  Series,  N6,  peer-viewed  issue,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid,  Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2017   General   Rhetoric:   Readings   in   the   work   or   Dr.   Mohamed   Al   Ameri: coordinated by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al, Translation and Knowledge Series, N5, peer- viewed issue, Modern Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2016  Translation  and  Terminology:  coordinated  by  Abdelhamid  Zahid  et  Al, Translation  and  Knowledge  Series,  N4,  peer-viewed  issue,  Modern  Books’  World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In English and Arabic)

2013  Qur’anic  Stories  and  Translation  Challenges:  prepared  and  coordinated  by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al, Translation and Knowledge Series, N2, peer-viewed issue, Modern Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In English and Arabic)

2012  Translating  Qur’anic  Rhetoric  between  Questions  of  Identity  and  the

Culture  of  the  Other:  prepared  and  coordinated  by  Abdelhamid  Zahid  et  Al, Translation and  Knowledge Series, N1,  peer-reviewed issue, Modern  Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In English and Arabic)



Authored Book

2010  Phonetics  and  Musicology:  A  Comparative  Study:   Dar  Yafa  for  Printing, Publishing and Distribution Amman, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (Publishing

language: In Arabic)

2005  Arabic  Vowels:  A  Phonetic  Study.  Al  Wataniya  Printing  Press,  Marrakesh, Morocco. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2004  A  Model  for  Metaphor  Translation  from  English  Literature  into  Arabic: Alwatniya, Marrakesh, Morocco. (Publishing language: In English)

2000  Sound  in  Rhetorical  Studies:  A  Phonetic  Study:  Alwatniya,  Marrakesh, Morocco. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

1999 Rules of Word Stress in Arabic Language: Dar Walili, Marrakesh, Morocco. (Publishing language: In Arabic)


Translated Book

2007 The Old Man and the Sea: Earnest Hemingway, Translated Text from English into Arabic. Al Wataniya Printing Press, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Conference Paper

2015  A  Lecture  at  the  Multidisciplinary  University  in  Errashidiya:  “Phonetics  and

Knowledge Integration”, December 15th, 2015. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2015  Inaugural  lecture  at  the  Multidisciplinary  University  in  Errashidiya:  “The  holy Qur’an   Translation   between   Untranslatability   Challenges   and   a   Call   for   the Communicative  Translation”,  December  14th,  2015.  (language  of  presentation:   In Arabic)

2015   Second   International   Conference   on   “Terminology   Renewal   and   Concepts Construction in Contemporary Islamic Thought”: Proceedings of Translation Laboratory and Knowledge Integration, Faculty of Humanities, Cady Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco,  May  6th    –  7th,  2015,  with  a  co-authored  article  under  the  theme  of “Translation Concept between the Philosophical and Religious Discourse as Viewed by Taha Abderrahman: From Modulation to Adaptation.” ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2015 A Study Day on “A close Reading of the Rhetorical and Critical Project” by Dr.

Abdullah Al-Bahloul: Proceedings of Translation Laboratory and Knowledge Integration, Faculty of  Humanities,  Cady Ayyad  University,  Marrakesh,  Morocco,  March  5th,  2015, participation in round table. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2015 National Seminar on “Linguists and Readers’ Efforts in the Service of the Qur’anic Text”:  Proceedings  of  Translation  Laboratory  and  Knowledge  Integration,  Faculty  of Humanities, Cady Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco, February 4th – 5th, 2015. with a  co-authored  article  under  the  theme  of    “Long  vowels    in  Qur’an  Recitation:  A Phonetic Study”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2014 The Second National Seminar under the theme of “Translation and the Problems of   the   Linguistic   Term”:   Proceedings   of   Translation   Laboratory   and   Knowledge Integration,   Faculty   of   Humanities,   Cady   Ayyad   University,   Marrakesh,   Morocco, November  27th-28th,  2014,  participation  in  round  table.  (  language  of  presentation:  In


2014  The  Second  National  Forum  for  Students  Researchers  on  “The  Arabic  Linguistic Heritage  and  Contemporary  Linguistics”:  Proceedings  of  Translation  Laboratory  and Knowledge  Integration,  Faculty  of  Humanities,  Cady  Ayyad  University,  Marrakesh, Morocco,   October   29th-30th,   2014,   directing   a   workshop   entitled   “Phonetics   and Knowledge Integration”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2014  International  Conference  under  the  theme  of  “Preambles  of  Arabic  Dictionaries: Methodology  Issues:  Purposes  and  Aims”:  Proceedings  of  Translation  Laboratory  and Knowledge  Integration,  Faculty  of  Humanities,  Cady  Ayyad  University,  Marrakesh, Morocco  and  other  countries,  May  22th  through  24th,  2014,  with  an  article  entitled

Phonetics  contribution  by  Ibn  Duraid  in  his  Book  “Al  Jamhara”.  (language  of presentation: In Arabic)

2014 Participation in Round Table in a Study Day on “Arabic Lexicon”, directed by Dr.

Amine   Abelkarim   (Michebal)   Bariou:   Proceedings   of   Translation   Laboratory   and

Knowledge Integration, Faculty of Humanities, Cady Ayyad University, Marrakesh, April

10th, 2014. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2014  Translation  of   the  stories  of  the  Quran :  stylistic,  structural  and  semantic  issues’

organized by the laboratory of Translation and Integration of knowledge of the Faculty of

Arts Cadi Ayyad university- Marrakech- Morocco, and other parts on the 4th- 5th  of March

2014 by a collaborative article entitled: “Ellipsis and Conciseness in Qur’anic Stories: Did Solomon Slaughter or Caress his Horses? ( language of presentation: In English)  “

2014 The first international conference on   the subject of “Intellectual creativity between the integrative perspective of science and the conceptual perspective of  the problematic of conceptualization”  honouring  the  Moroccan  thinker  Taha  Abderrahmane,  which  was organized by the laboratory of translation and integration of knowledge of the Faculty of Arts Cadi Ayyad university- Marrakech- Morocco, and other sides, 26th  – 27th  of February

2014  by  a  collaborative  article  entitled:  “Taha  Abderrahmane’s  Theory  of  Alfath

Almobeen in the Translation of the holy Quran”. ( language of presantation: In Arabic)

2014 Participation in a roundtable during a study day in the subject: “Semiotics and the theory  of  meaning”  organized  by  the  laboratory  of  translation  and  integration  of knowledge of the Faculty of Arts Cadi Ayyad University- Marrakech- Morocco, 06th  of February 2014.

2013 The first national gathering of the student researchers under the title: the importance of  knowledge  integration  between  the  sciences  of  Arabic  in  understanding  the  holy Quran”  organized  by  the  laboratory  of  translation  and  integration  of  knowledge  of  the Faculty of Arts Cadi Ayyad university- Marrakech- Morocco, 30th  – 31st  of October 2013 in  a  comment  on  an  article  entitled:  “Cognitive  Integration  and  Religious  Discourse Analysis- A functional approach”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2013 Participation in a study day entitled: “Translation and Argumentation” organized by the laboratory of translation and integration of knowledge faculty of Arts – Cadi Ayyad university-  Marrakech-  Morocco,  30th  of  April  2013,  by  an  article  entitled  “Metaphor and Argumentation”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2013 The First National Conference “Translation and Terminology Issues” organized by the  laboratory  of  translation  and  integration  of  knowledge  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  Cadi Ayyad university-  Marrakech- Morocco,  27th  -28th  February 2013, by an  article  entitled “Translation   of   Phonetic   Terminology   in   Orientalist   Studies”.   (   language   of presantation: In Arabic)



2013 Participation in the round table on a study day on ” Epistemological Foundations of  Linguistic  Theory”  organized  by  the  laboratory  of  translation  and  integration  of knowledge  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  Cadi  Ayyad  university-  Marrakech-  Morocco,  28th February 2013. ( language of presantation: In Arabic)

2013  Third  International  Conference:  “Religious  Text  and  Translation”  on  the  topic: “Translation  of  the  Quranic  Rhetoric”  organized  by  the  laboratory  of  translation  and integration  of  knowledge  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  Cadi  Ayyad  university-  Marrakech- Morocco, March 2011,“A Model for Translation of Conditional Structures in the Holy Quran”. ( language of presentation: In English)

2010 A national conference honouring the Moroccan writer and translator Ibn Shakroun under  the  title:  “Ibn  Shakroun  between  intellectual  Ijtihad  and  translational  creativity” organized by the Faculty of Arts – University of Cadi Ayyad – Marrakech – Morocco; on May 2010 with an article entitled “Translation Consciousness in Quran Translation of

by Dr. Mohammed Ben Shakroun”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2009  International  Conference:  “Ibn  Duraid  Al-Azadi”  organized  by  the  Omani  studies unit – Al-Bayt University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, May 2009 with an article entitled: “Phonetics contribution of Ibn Duraid in his book “Al Jamhara”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2009  Second  International  Conference:  “Religious  Text  and  Translation”,  organized  by the  Research  group  in  translation,  faculty  of  Arts,  Cadi  Ayyad  University,  Marrakech, Morocco,  March  2009.  With  a  collaborative  article  entitled  “Loss  and  Gain  or  just  a mere loss in translating (يعلبا ضرأ اي) Houd 44?” ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

2008 A study day in honour of a book: “Observations on the translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran” by Dr. Abdel Majeed Al-Maaloumi, organized by the Research group in translation, Faculty of Arts, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco, June 2008, with an article entitled: Towards defining Albayania Theory in Qur’an Translation”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

A study day on the subject of “translation and linguistic term” organized by the Research group in translation, Faculty of Arts, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco, May

2008   with   an   article   entitled:   “Phonetical   and   Phonological   Terms   in   (Arabic

Phonology) by Dr. Ahmed Alioua”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

International  Conference:  “Translation  and  Cultural   Interference”  organized  by  the Faculty of Arts, Sultan Moulay Sulaiman University, Beni Mellal, Morocco, April 2008 with  an  article  entitled  ilm  Al  Munasabat  and  Translation  of  the  Holy  Quran“.  ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

International Conference: “ThePhonetic Lesson and its Applications on Arabic language” organized  by  the  Faculty  of  Arts,  Al-Bayt  University,  Hashemite  Kingdom  of  Jordan, November  2008  with  an  article  entitled:  “A  Phonetic  reading  in  some  Arabic  musical texts”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

First  International  Conference:  “The  Religious  Text  and  Translation”,  organized  by  the Research  Group  in  Translation,  Faculty  of  Arts,  Cadi  Ayyad  University,  Marrakesh, Morocco,  March  2007,  with  an  article  entitled  “A  Model  for  Metaphor  Translation: Evidence from the Holy Qur’an”. ( language of presentation: In English)

National Seminar: “Arab Rhetoric: connection or disconnection?” Organized by Hassan II University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Ben M’sik, Casablanca, Morocco 2004, with an article entitled “Imitation in Arabic metric Hazem Alkartajanni: A Phonetic Approach”. ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

A  national  Seminar:  “Contemporary  Arabic  Language”  organized  by  the  University  of Hassan II – Ain Chok – Casablanca, 2002 Morocco, with an article entitled: “Towards the Complications  of  the  Aljinas  in  Arabic  language:  a  phonological  approach.”  ( language of presentation: In Arabic)

A national Seminar: “Intersection of the Levels of the Linguistic lesson” organized by Ibn Zohr University, Faculty of Arts and Human sciences, Agadir, Morocco, 1998. An article entitled:  Stress  between  phonology  and  phonetics”.  (language  of  presentation:  In



Journal Article


2018 Sound Features between Phonetics and the Science of Recitation of the Holy Qur’an:   Co-authored   Research   in   a   book   entitled   Phonetics   and   Knowledge Integration: Cognitive Integration between Phonetics and the Science of Recitation of the  Holy  Qur’an”:  Translation  and  Knowledge  Series,  issue  10,  peer-viewed  issue, Modern Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2018 Loss and Loss in the Translation of the Holy Quran: “O earth swallow up”

as a case study (co-authored with Elfouadi, K & Lachgar, A) Bayt Al-Hikma Journal for Translation Studies, Issue 2. May 2018. (Publishing language: In English)

2018 Homonymy Translation Strategies in the Holy Quran: “huda” and “qaḍa” as  a  case  study”  (co-authored  with  al)  In  Jewish  and  Christian  Frameworks  in  the Translations of the Meanings of the Holy Quran, Series: Knowledge and Translation, peer- reviewed issue N9, Modern Books’ World, Irbid-Jordan, edited by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al. (Publishing language: In English)

2017  Long  Vowel  Phonemes  between  Phonology  and  Musicology:  Co-authored Research  in  a  book  entitled  Phonology  and  Knowledge  Integration:  Cognitive Integration between Phonology and Musicology”: Translation and Knowledge Series, issue 4, peer-viewed issue, Modern Books’ World, Irbid, Jordan. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2014  Ellipsis  and  Conciseness  in  Qur’anic  Stories:  Did  Solomon  Slaughter  or Caress   his   Horses?   (co-authored   with   Darir,H),   In   Quran   Narratives   and   the Challenges  of  Translation  Series:  Knowledge  and  Translation,  peer-  reviewed  issue N3,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid-Jordan,  edited  by  ABDELHAMID  ZAHID  et  Al. (Publishing language: In English)

2012 The Concept of ‘Eloquence’ in Arabic Rhetoric: Co-authored Research within Humanities   Journal,   Peer-reviewed   International   Periodic   issued   by   Mohamed Khaydar University, Sakra, Algeria, Twelfth-year, N25, May 25th, 2012. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2012  Untranslatability  in  the  Holy  Qur’an:  Towards  the  Construction  of  an Explicative Theory to Translate the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an: Part of a book entitled Translating Qur’anic Rhetoric between Questions of Identity and the culture of  the  other,  peer-  reviewed  issue  N2,  Modern  Books’  World,  Irbid-Jordan  2012.  It was  also  published  in  books  of  Linguistics  and  Education  in  2011,  N4,  Faculty  of Literature,  Languages  and  Arts,  Oran  University,  Algeria.  (Publishing  language:  In Arabic)

2012 A Model for Translation of Conditional Structures in the Holy Qur’an :In

Translating  the  Rhetoric  of  the  Holy  Quran,  Series:  Knowledge  and  Translation, peer- reviewed issue N2, Modern Books’ World, Irbid-Jordan, edited by Abdelhamid Zahid et Al. (Publishing language: In English)

2011 Ilm Al Munasabat and Qur’an Translation, part of AL Wadiha Journal, peer- reviewed Journal published by Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyah in Rabat, N6. (Publishing

language: In Arabic)

2011 The Translation of the Qur’anic Verse “O earth, swallow”: Is it Loss and Gain or only Loss?: Co-authored Research in a Journal entitled “Readings”, annual peer-reviewed  journal  that  is  meant  for  Reading  and  Learning  issues,  Faculty  of Literature and Languages, Biskra University, issue 3. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

2011 Phonetic Contribution of Ibn Duraid in his Book ‘Al Jamhara’: within “Ibn Duraid al Azedi: the  most Erudite Poet and the most Poetic Scholar”,  Series of Symposia and Conferences N8, Vol 1, Al-Bayt University Publications, Jordan.

2007  A  Model  for  Metaphor  Translation:  Evidence  from  the  Holy  Quran “: Proceeding of the First International Conference on “Sacred Text Translation” March

2007  Edited  by  Almutarjim  Translation  Research  Group،  Imprimerie  El  Wataniya

Marrakesh- Morocco. (Publishing language: In English)

2000  The  Concept  of  Voiced  Voiceless  and  Voiceless  as  viewed  by  Sibawayeh: within  Al-Lisan  al-Arabi  Journal,  Arab  League,  Educational,  Scientific  and  Cultural Organization,  Arabization  Coordination  Office,  N52,  December  2000.  (Publishing language: In Arabic)

1998  Acoustic  Analysis  of  Word  Stress  in  Arabic  Language:  within Al-Lisan  al- Arabi   Journal,   Arab   League,   Educational,   Scientific   and   Cultural   Organization,

Arabization  Coordination  Office,  N46,  December  1998.  (Publishing  language:  In


1997 Rules of Word Stress in Arabic Language: within Al-Lisan al-Arabi Journal, Arab   League,   Educational,   Scientific   and   Cultural   Organization,   Arabization Coordination Office, N44, December 1997. (Publishing language: In Arabic)

1995 The Relationship between the Signifier and the Signified as viewed by Arab Grammarians: Annals of Faculty of Arabic Language in Marrakesh, N5. (Publishing language: In Arabic)


Supervision of PhDs Thesis in Arabic


PhDs discussed in 2015:


  • Phonetic schools in Arabic Rhetoric: prepared by Lala Mariam Bilghitha.
  • Science of Badii embellishment of sounds – a Phonetic study: prepared by Asma


  • Phonetic Miraculousness  of  the  Holy  Quran  –  Surah  of   Maryam  as  a  model:

prepared by Abdelaziz Ait Baha.


PhDs Thesis discussed in 2017:


  • Phonetic science in the Third Hijri century: Prepared by Hanane Mudari.
  • Phonetics in the Arabic Dictionaries: prepared by Huda Rawd.


PhDs thesis discussed in 2018:


  • The Phonological Balance in Ancient Arabic Poetry: prepared by Abdelaziz Jaba


  • Badii in Hassani Poetry – a phonological study: prepared by Mahjouba ElBafour.
  • The Rhythmic Structure of the Badii School’s Poetry: prepared by Said Qatfi.
  • Poetic Witness in the Books about Quranic Miraculousness from the fourth to the seventh Hijri century, a study of structure and function: prepared by Hanane Salhi.


PhDs thesis in Progress:

  • Translation of Legislative Rhetoric in the Holy Quran: by Layla al-Ghazouani.
  • Translation of the Miraculous Rhetoric in the Quran: by Hanane Wasnouan.
  • Translation of  the  Stylistic  Argumentation  in  the  Quranic  Discourse:  by  Salwa


  • The Rhetorical and Critical term in Abdulqaher Aljirjani: by Bahaj Bakkar.
  • Jewish and  Christian  References  in  the  Translation  of  the  Holy  Quran:  by

Abdelaziz Lekhfaouni.

  • The Linguistic Theory of Muslim Philosophers: by Fatima Tarsim.


Supervision of PhDs Thesis in English


PhDs thesis in progress


Translation Terminology and Quran Translation by Adil Lachgar.

Equivalence in Literary Translation by Nour Elhouda Belghita.


Supervision of Master’s Dissertation in English


Master Dissertations discussed 2015-2016


ZAID  Abdeali :  The  Print  of  Ideology  in  the  Translation  of  Political




MOUHYIEDDINE Sara : Loss and Gain in Translating Humour.


AATA Tarik: Translating Proverbs and Idioms from English into Arabic.


A Linguistic Study.


MATOUGUI   Amira :   The   Seven   Standards   of   Textuality   from   Text


Linguistics to Translation: Yacoubian Building as A Case Study.


KHADRI Halima : Legal Translation: The International Convention on the


Elimination of all Racial Discrimination as A Case Study.



Master Dissertations Discussed 2016-2017


Adil   LACHGAR :   Translation   Terminology   and   Quran   Translation: Pillars of Islam as a Case Study.

Imad DEHBI: Quran Translation and Skopos Theory.


Mounir  BENJRINIJA:  Metaphor  Translation  from  English  Poems  into




Mohamed RAFA: Translating Amthal in the Holy Quran

Taoufiq    Bouamrane:    Translation    of    Quranic    Qasas    (Narratives): Conciseness  as A Case Study

Said  AIT  AL  HAJ:  Idioms  and  Proverbs  Translation  from  Arabic  into




Nour El Houda BELGHITA: Issues in Literary Translation


Hamid ERRIMI: The Translation of Fronting and Postponing in the Holy




Hicham BEDDARI: Cohesion and Coherence in Qur’an Translation


Taoufik MOHOU: Islamic Terminology in Legal Translation: The Case of


Marriage and Divorce in the Moroccan Family Code.


Fouad  MAZAOUI:  Translation  and  Media  News  making:  International


News Channel France 24 as A Case Study



Master Dissertations Discussed 2017-2018



Abdellah  Ghazi  :  Translation  issues  in  Mahmoud  Darwish’s  poem  “The


Dice Player”.


Adil Benlabchir: Ethics in Translation.


Aziz  Moummou:  Translation  and  corpus-based  Studies  Juliane  House’s


‘Covert Translation Project’ As a Case of Study.


Mjilla Rachid: Translation in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching.


Rachid Benhakkoum: Body Language in the Holy Quran Translation The


Eye As a Case Study A  Semantic Approach.


Fadihi Abdlejalil: Translation as a Part of Applied Linguistics.


Sammoud Hassan: Different Approaches to Translation.


Moulay   Sadik   Ifleh:   Translation   Quality   Assessment:   A   Review   of


Approaches and Practices.


Tounssi Monadil: Metaphor Translation: The Old Man and The Sea as a case study.

Noureddine  Fikri:  Translation  and  Globalization:  English  Became  the


International Language.



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